This function allows you to manage your Stock Transfers. Stock Transfer is usually used to transfer stock from one location to another location.

*Stock Transfer will deduct your stock from the source location (From Location) and add into the target location (To Location).


To access Stock Transfer, click on the Stock Menu > Stock Transfer.




Stock Transfer main page will have a listing of all your Stock Transfers. You can View, Edit, Void / Unvoid, Print or Delete any Stock Transfer by accessing the last “Action” column.

Creating a new Stock Transfer


1. Click on the “+New” button.



2. Key in the purpose of your Stock Transfer at the Description field.



3. Key in any other fields at header as require. You may leave the “Stock Transfer No” empty if wish to run system auto numbering. The next possible number is usually displayed at the title.



4. Select your “From Location” (the location where you want to move your stock from) and “To Location” (the location where you want to move your stock to).



5. At the detail section, select stock codes that you wish to transfer. You may also want to key in detail such as Description, Qty etc if required.



6. Click on the “Save” button to save the transaction.



7. After the transfer, you can see from your Stock Card or Stock Balance the quantity of the stock had been transferred accordingly.



Print Stock Transfer

You can print or export Stock Transfer as transfer note.


1. At Stock Transfer main page, click on the arrow down button > Print on the Stock Transfer that you wish to print. You can also click on the “Action” > Print if you are viewing the Stock Transfer.




2. A small dialog will appear. Select your Report Name and click “OK”.



3. The Stock Transfer printout will be generated



4. You can now print or export to the format that you want.



Print Stock Transfer Listing and Batch Printing

If you want to printout a listing of your Stock Transfers or maybe batch printing multiple Stock Transfers, you can use “Print Listing” function to achieve this.


1. At Stock Transfer main page, click on the “Print Listing” button.



2. Select Report Type. There are 2 selections:

  • Batch Print Stock Transfer: To print multiple Stock Transfers.
  • Print Stock Transfer Listing: To print Stock Transfer listing.



3. Select Report Name. Report Name will be based on the Report Type that you had selected.



4. Define your filters and options. This will determine the results and presentation of the generated report.



5. Click on the “Run Report” button to generate the report.



6. The report will be generated based on your selection.



7. You can now print or export to the format that you want.