To access configuration settings, click on More Function or press F11.
Then click on Configuration Settings or press Alt + F10.
Cash Sales Numbering Format: To modify your cash receipt numbering format.
Hold Bill Numbering Format: To modify your hold bill numbering format.
Device Setting
Customer Display Pole: To set customer display pole port you have installed.
Upper Line Command: Command code for display pole for Line1. (Use Select Command for some standard model of display pole)
Bottom Line Command: Command code for display pole for Line2. (Use Select Command for some standard model of display pole)
Response Time: To set response time for the customer display pole to refresh itself
Display Welcome Message Line1: To display message on the pole at Line 1
Display Welcome Message Line2: To display message on the pole at Line 2
Currency Symbol: To set your currency symbol (MYR, RM)
Show LCD Customer Display: Tick this to enable second display.
Separate item display and URL screen: Tick this to separate item and URL screen.
URL List: To maintain the directory of picture, video or link for ads display on second display.
Display next url on every _ sec: To set the time which the system will change to another ads which you have maintained.
Device Setting 2
Cash Drawer: To set the cash drawer port. Choose printer if it linked to your printer.
Open Drawer Command: Command code open drawer. (Use Select Command for some standard model of cash drawer)
Digital Weighing Scale: To set weighing scale machine port.
Credit Card Machine: To set credit card machine port.
Enable MyKad Reader: Tick this to enable MyKad Reader feature for member.
Enable EWallet: Tick this to enable E-Wallet.
Merchant ID: Key in merchant ID provided by E-Wallet provider.
Merchant Key: Key in merchant key provided by E-Wallet provider.
Price Checker Window Service
IP Address: Key in IP Address of your price checker device.
Port Number: Key in port number of your price checker device.
Printer & Receipt
Default Printer: To set default printer for receipt printing.
Alternate Printer: To set alternate printer for receipt printing.
Star Printer: Tick this if you are using old star printer.
Design Receipt: To design your receipt.
Cash Sale: To set default for receipt design.
Alternate Printer: To set default for your receipt design.
Design Hold Bill Receipt: To design your hold bill receipt.
Select Hold Bill Receipt: To set default for your hold bill receipt design.
Design Close Counter Receipt: To design your close counter receipt.
X Report: To set default for your X report design.
Z Report: To set default for your Z report design.
Design Cash In/Out Receipt: To design your cash in / out receipt.
Select Cash In/Out Receipt: To set default for your cash in / out receipt.
Design Print Barcode: To design your barcode.
Select Print Barcode: To set default for your barcode design.
SQL Query: To perform some maintenance for database. (Strictly for support use only)
Clear All Transactions: To clear all the transaction you have create.
Clear All Testing Transactions: To clear all testing transaction you have created during testing mode.
Repost POS Transactions: To repost transaction.
SQL Database Maintenance: To perform some database feature. (Strictly for support use only)
Backup: To backup your frontend database.
Restore: To restore your frontend database.
Company Profile: To set your company information.
Cash Computation: To set cash computation.
Export To Weighing Scale: To export item price to excel.
Auto version update: Tick to enable auto update for frontend POS application.