This function allows you to maintain Auto Prompt which this feature enforce user to manually input value to highlight this field is important so that the user will always input something.

To access Auto Prompt, click on the Master Data icon > Auto Prompt.

Creating a new Auto Prompt

To create a new auto prompt, click on the “+New” button.


Enable: Indicate if auto prompt is still active. Unticking this will cause this auto prompt to be disabled and will not work.
Auto Prompt: To set a name for the auto prompt.
Prompt Field- Price: To prompt your item unit price.
                    Quantity: To prompt your item quantity.
                    Description: To prompt your item description.
                    Remark: To prompt your item description.
                    UDF: To prompt your item UDF.
Service Type: To prompt your item service type.
Apply To All Products: If this is ticked, all items you have input will be auto prompted. If unticked, you can manage certain item only for system to prompt.

Click “Save” to commit the changes once you had done keying in or editing the required information.

**Make sure to synchronize after committed the changes.

Login frontend.

Then click on Search Product button or press F1.

Then click on Search button and choose your product.

Your price will be auto prompted.