This function allows you to maintain your Menu for quick access of product at outlet terminals. Suitable for those all in one POS system which include touch screen.

To access Menu, click on the Master Data icon > Menu.

Creating a new Menu

To create a new menu, click on the “+New” button.



Default: To indicate this menu will be automatically load as default.
Menu: To set your menu name.
Enable Auto Menu Shift: To determine the criteria of this menu.
From Date: To determine the start date of the validity of this menu.
To Date: To determine the end date of the validity of this menu.
From Time: To determine the start time of the validity of this menu daily.
To Time: To determine the end time of the validity of this menu daily.
Valid On: To determine the days of the validity of this menu.

Click “Save” to commit the changes once you had done keying in or editing the required information.

**Make sure to synchronize after committed the changes.

Creating a new Menu Design

Click on the pencil icon at sub-menu to enter sub-menu Design page.

Sub-menu Design

‘+’: To add Menu Header individually.
Add From Product Category: To add Menu Header by product category. Will auto add Sub-Menu Item if product are under this product category.
Description: To key in your Menu Header description. Eg: Food, Drinks, Dessert
Font Size: To determine the font size of your Description.
Bold: To bold your font size if ticked.
Font Colour: To determine the font colour of your Description.
Button Colour: To determine the colour of the button of your Description.
Display Option: To determine the display type of your button.
Image: To insert image to display at your button.

Highlight your Sub-menu then you can maintain your sub-menu Item options.

Pencil icon: To access your sub-menu item Design.
To determine how many button should be display on y-axis.
To determine how many button should be display in x-axis.
Show Price: 
To show the price of the product at your button.

Then click on the Pencil icon to access Sub-menu Item Design page.

Sub-menu Item Design

“+”: To maintain product code individually.
Magnifier Icon: To maintain product code by batch.
Range Set: To maintan Font Size, Bold, Font Colour, Button Colour, Display Option by batch.
Product Code: To maintain your product code under Sub-menu item button.
Description: To key in your Description for product code. Automatically fill up according to your product code.
Description2: To key in your Description2 for product code. Automatically fill up according to your product code.

Font Size: To determine the font size of your Description.
Bold: To bold your font size if ticked.
Font Colour: To determine the font colour of your Description.
Button Colour: To determine the colour of the button of your Description.
Display Option: To determine the display type of your button.

Image: To insert image to display at your button.


Login frontend.

Then click on Menu button or press F8 key.

You will be able to see your menu as shown below.