This function allows you to maintain Outlet of your company. Outlet is usually referred as your location(s) or warehouse(s) which stores your products. By default, Outlet HQ had been automatically created for your company.

To access Outlet, click on the Master Data icon > Outlet.

Creating a new Outlet

To create a new outlet, click on the “+New” button.



Active: Indicate if Outlet is still active. Unticking this will cause you unable to select this outlet at your entries.

Default: To set default outlet. System will automatically capture this outlet when you create a new entry.

Location: Key in your Outlet code.

Description: Key in Outlet description. Example: Klang.

Alternate Description: Key in Outlet alternative description.


Address: Key in Outlet address.

Post Code: Key in Outlet post code.

Area: Key in Outlet area. This will be used for reporting purpose if you wish to present your report by area.


Phone: Key in the contact phone number of this Outlet.

Phone 2: Key in the alternative contact phone number of this Outlet.

Fax: Key in the fax number of this Outlet.

Fax 2: Key in the alternative fax number of this Outlet.

Contact Person: Key in the person in charge of this Outlet.


Cash Payment Method: Your account code for your Cash Payment Chart of Account.

Cheque Payment Method: Your account code for your Cheque Payment Chart of Account.

Credit Card Charges Acc No: Your account code for your Credit Card Charges Chart of Account.

Rounding Adjustment Acc No: Your account code for your Rounding adjustment Chart of Account.

Service Charges Acc No: Your account code for your Service Charges Chart of Account.

Voucher Forfeited Acc No: Your account code for your Voucher forfeited Chart of Account.


Key in any additional notes or remarks of this Outlet.

Click “Save” to commit the changes once you had done keying in or editing the required information.

**Make sure to synchronize after committed the changes.


During outlet terminal configuration, you will notice multiple location are available to choose.