This function allows you to maintain your sync profile and view status of your synchronization between HQ and Outlets.

To access sync profile, click on the Master Data icon > Sync Profile.

Editing your Outlet Sync Profile

To edit your outlet sync profile, click on the “Edit” button.


Sync Active: Indicate if this sync profile is still active. Unticking this you will not be able to choose this outlet during initial setup.

Outlet: Can’t be edited, will be following your outlet settings.

Description: Can’t be edited, will be following your outlet settings.

Last Start Sync Time: Your most recent successfully start sync status.

Last Finish Sync Time: Your most recent successfully sync status.

Last Trans Finish Sync Time: Your most recent successfully synced transaction status.

Sync Method: To determine whether you want to sync or not for this outlet.

Product Sync Method: To determine whether you want to sync your product or not.

Product Filter: To filter out which product to sync to outlet. 

Copy Cost: To sync your standard cost, real cost, most recently cost, min purchase price, max purchase price.

Copy Price: To sync standard selling prices, min selling price and max selling price.

Terminal Settings Sync Method: To determine whether to sync terminal settings or not to this outlet.

Click “Save” to commit the changes once you had done keying in or editing the required information.

**Make sure to synchronize after committed the changes.