This function allows you to maintain your voucher type and voucher.

To access voucher, click on the Master Data icon > Voucher.

Creating a new Voucher

To create a new voucher, click on the “+New” button.


Active: Indicate if voucher is still active. Unticking this will cause this voucher to be disabled and will not show during voucher payment.

Voucher: To set a name for the voucher.

Voucher Type: To set the voucher type.

Description: To key in description for your voucher.

Outlet: To filter which outlet are able to use this voucher. Will enable if all outlet is disable(untick).

All Outlet: To enable(tick) or disable(untick) the availability of this voucher to all outlets.

Cash Value: To determine the value of your voucher.

Payment Method: To determine the posting account of this voucher to which COA code.

Enable Voucher Verification: To determine the voucher whether is controlled or uncontrolled voucher. Controlled voucher are voucher that can be only use once with their own serial no while uncontrolled voucher can be use more than once.

Min. Purchased Amt: To set the minimum amount that can be use to pay via voucher.

From Date: To determine the validity start date of the voucher.

To Date: To determine the validity end date of the voucher.

‘+’: To add a new voucher serial number.

Generate: To add a new voucher serial number by batch.

Import: To import your voucher serial number from excel.

Click “Save” to commit the changes once you had done keying in or editing the required information.

**Make sure to synchronize after committed the changes.

Creating a new Voucher Type

To create a new voucher type, click on Voucher Type.

Click on the “+NEW” button.


Active: Indicate if this voucher type is still active. Unticking this will cause this voucher type to be disabled and will not show in voucher.

Voucher Type: To name your voucher type.

Description: To key in description of your voucher type.


Login frontend.

Then click on Search Product button or press F1.

Then click on Search button and choose your product.

After that, click on Multi Payment button or press F6 key.

Proceed by clicking voucher button or F5 key.

Finally choose your voucher name and valid voucher number (verify voucher option enable) or key in anything (unverify voucher).

Print Voucher Listing

You can print Voucher Listing for refence or any other purpose.

At Voucher main page, click on the “Print Listing” button.

Then you can set your criteria.


From Date: To determine your start date of your criteria.

To Date: To determine your end date of your criteria.

Terminal: To filter your terminal.

Outlet: To filter your outlet.

Area: To filter your area.

Voucher: To filter your voucher.

After you set your criteria, click on inquiry and then click on printer report.

Then select your report and press OK button.

Your report will be generated. You can now print or export to the format that you want.