This function allows you to maintain products or services that your company purchase or sell. It is used when performing inventory related transactions such as Sales, Purchase and Stock transactions.

To access Product, click on the Master Data icon > Product.

Creating a new Product

To create a new Product, click on the “+New” button.



Product Code: Key in your Product Code.

Product Type: Assign Product Type, select between “Inventory Product”, “Non-Inventory Product” and “Service Product”.

Unit: Key in Unit of measurement of this product.

Status: Indicate status of product, select between “Active”, “Inactive” and “Discontinued”.

Product Name: Key in product name or description.

Alternate Product Name: Key in alternate name or alternate description of this product.

Further Description: Key in any additional description of this product.

Note: Key in any additional note of this product.

Product Category: Select Product Category of this product.

Supplier: Select Supplier of this product.

Product Posting: Select Product Posting of this product.

Supply Tax Code: Select Supply Tax Code of this product. This tax code will be auto captured in Sales entries.

Purchase Tax Code: Select Purchase Tax Code of this product. This tax code will be auto capture in Purchase entries.

Tariff Code: Select Tariff Code of this product. This tariff code will be auto capture in tariff related entries.

Price: Key in selling price of this product.

Minimum Price: Key in minimum selling price of this product. You are not able to save Sales entries if the price used is lower than this price.

Cost: Key in cost of this product.

Barcode: Key in barcode of this product. This barcode can also be used as an alternate code during data input in transactions entries.

Image: Upload image of this product.

Click “Save” to commit the changes once you had done keying in or editing the required information.

Product Variants

Product variants is used when the product can be differentiated through certain elements such as colours, sizes, grades, shape, flavours etc. For example, a bottle of Chili Sauce can be differentiated into different level of spiciness. Currently the system able to support up to 2 levels of variants.

To do so, create a product – Chilli Sauce:

To create the Level of spiciness, click on the “Product Variant”.

In the Product Variant page, tick on the checkbox “Enable Variant 1” and key in the Variant which you wish to differentiate, in this case SPICINESS. You can then add in how many levels of spiciness that your product could have by clicking on the “+” button.

If you have another level of variant that you wish to add, repeat the same by ticking on the checkbox for “Enable Variant 2”. For example, COLOUR, where you have Green Chili and Red Chili.

After setting up the variants, you will need to add your variants combination at the “Product Variants” section. You can click on “Add all Product Variants” and the system will auto generate the combination based on the variant option that had specified.

Any combination of variants at this section means that you can select it at your Purchase and Sales entries. You can also set different selling price and minimum selling price for different combination.


This is the place where you can maintain your product name and description for your online shop. You also can maintain the dimension for your product such as Weight, Width, Length and Height.