Set your Pos Posting accounts

In order to perform pos posting, you have to set your account no. first to enable pos posting to these account no.

To set, go to Master Data > Outlet.

Click edit on which outlet that you want to post.

Then click on posting tab. Set your account no. to enable posting account.

Pos Posting

This function allows you to post your sales and cash generated from POS sales to your accounting.

To access Pos Posting, click on Point of Sales > Posting.

Generate Pos Posting

1. Click on the “+New” button.

2. Select which outlet you want to post and the date range of your posting. Then click on Confirm.

3. The result will be generated and click on Save to complete your Pos Posting.

4. After that your posting document will be saved.

5. All the necessary document will be generated at accounting GL side.