This function allows you to record the payment in and out from the marketplace.

To access Online Shop Payment, click on the Marketplace > Online Shop Payment.

Select your online shop and click on Sync Record. Make sure your Last Payment Sync Time is up to date. You might need to sync it for few times to get up to date.

To create New Online Shop Payment, Click on +New.

Filter the Date Range, click on Confirm, and click on Create Shop Payment Posting.

On this screen, you can see there are 2 tabs shown: Order Payment and Other Payment.

Order Payment usually shows the common payment summary info such as sales, voucher, fee and charges and etc...

Other Payment usually shows the adjustment or refund from the marketplace. For this section, you might need to select which Account No. for posting.

An official receipt will be generated to record the Payment Received. As you can see there are two OR document created, OR-000001 show the payment summary for Order Payment, OR-000002 show the payment summary from the Other Payment.

Summary from OR-000001

Summary for OR-000002