Format – Format 1

Default Item Format: To set New Item Code, allow parameter input to capture specific column from One Sales’s product info.

Default No Variant UOM: To set New UOM, this is applicable to product that does not have variant.

Default Variant UOM: To set New UOM, allow parameter input to capture specific columns from One Sales’s product info.

Assign New Item: Click to auto assign New Item Code and New UOM based on the format specified.

Format – Format 2

Item Description: To set Description of item, allow parameter input to capture specific column from One Sales’s product info.


Copy Description to AutoCount Description: To copy Description to AutoCount Accounting Item Description at Item Maintenance.

Copy and Reassign Barcode: To copy One Sales Barcode to AutoCount Accounting Barcode at Item Maintenance. 

Copy Price to AutoCount Standard Selling Price: To copy One Sales Price to AutoCount Accounting Standard Selling Price at Item Maintenance. A selection is available to copy the price to Price 1 – 6 in AutoCount.

Functional Button

Inquiry: Click to get product data from One Sales.

Download: Download product to AutoCount.

Close: Close Product Sync.

Important Columns

Sync Status: Result of sync, can be Success or Fail.

Item Code: To show the Item Code that links to this product. If not, can be used to map against existing item in AutoCount Accounting.

UOM: To show the Item’s UOM that links to this product. If not, can be used to map against existing UOM in AutoCount Accounting.

New Item Code: Item Code to be used. Applicable to product that is not synced into AutoCount Accounting.

New UOM: UOM to be used. Applicable to product that is not synced into AutoCount Accounting.

Description: Autocount Item Description

Product ID: ID of the product at One Sales

Product Code: Product Code at One Sales.

Product Name: Name of the product at One Sales.

Product Name 2: Alternate Product Name in One Sales.

Product Type: There are 3 product type: Inventory Product (I), Non-Inventory Product (N) and Service Product (S).

Price: Price of the product at One Sales.

Status: The status of the product whether Active (A), Inactive (I) or Discontinued (D)

Barcode: Barcode of the product at One Sales

Shop Product Name: Name of the product at Marketplace.

Product Variant ID: Variant ID of the product from One Sales.

Variant 1 Option: Variant 1 ID of the product at One Sales (only applicable if variant 2 is enabled).

Variant 2 Option: Variant 2 ID of the product at One Sales (only applicable if variant 2 is enabled).

There are two ways that you can do Product Mapping. If you do not have any item yet inside the AutoCount and you wish to create as new item code, click on Check All, then click on Assign New Item. The system will auto generate new item code based on the parameter input.

After that click on Download so that the New Item Code will be download to the AutoCount Stock Item Maintenance.

Another situation is that you already have the item code in the AutoCount, you can just select the item code that you wish to do mapping. Click on Download after you have done your product mapping.

Product Sync’s Format Setting

This section will provide some general guidelines on how to set the Format at Product Sync. There are a few different ways user can use this function resulting in different ways of to manage items in AutoCount Accounting.

Syncing product without variant

This scenario is a simplest scenario. Usually the Product Code will be used to create as item code in AutoCount Accounting. Due to there is no variant for these products, the system will capture the value set at Default No Variant UOM as these item’s UOM, which is “PCS”.

Result after clicking “Assign New Item”.

Syncing product with variant

This scenario has 2 different situations.

Scenario 1 – Sync product with variant as multiple items with single UOM.

Scenario 2 – Sync product with variant as single items but multiple UOM.

Scenario 1

User can set the default Item Format with the Product Code and Variant Option. At the same time, set a default UOM for these variant enabled products at Default Variant UOM, for example “{Variant1Option}{Variant2Option}”. This will result in different item codes for the same product but different variant.

Result after clicking “Assign New Item”.

Referring to example, this product has 2 different type – Collagen 1kg and Charcoal 1kg. By using the Variant Option to be part of the item code will result in 2 different item codes, resulting system to create 2 different items. User can then manage 12022119407-Collagen 1kg as 1 item and 12022119407-Charcoal 1kg as another item.

Scenario 2

User can set the default Item Format with Product Code and set Variant Name Option for UOM. This will result in multiple UOM generated into 1 item code.

Result after clicking “Assign New Item”.

Referring to example, this product has 2 type, Collagen and Charcoal. By using product Code only as item code and Variant Name as UOM will result in system to create only 1 item but 2 different UOM. User can then manage this 1 item with different type (UOM) as 1 item.

Syncing multiple product or variant into one Item Code or UOM

User can also sync multiple products or multiple products with variants into a single item. This function is supported because online sellers tend to have multiple product codes that represent the same item.

To do so, user just need to assign or map the product into the same Item Code.

Mapping with Item Package

For the Item Package, user can map the item package to the Package Code, the stock will be deduct based on the item maintain in the Item Package Maintenance.