This function allows you to view listing of past events, e.g products / accounts / Master Data / documents / entries that were newly created (New), Edited, Deleted, Status updated, Voided, and Unvoided.

To access Audit Trail, click on Tools > Audit Trail.

Generate Audit Trail

1. Define date range that you wish to generate Audit Trail.

2. Define filters and options. This will determine the results of Audit Trail. You can specify the “Record Type” and “User Filter”.

When you filter Record Type, example on Journal Entry, you can specifically key in a Journal document number at Record ID to view the audit trail for only this document. No filter means to list all.

3. Click on “Inquiry” button to generate the result.

4. The result will be generated based on your filters and options.

Here is result with filtered Record Type and Record ID.

5. You can click on the document number to view the document and click on the description to view the data changes.

6. You can click on the export all data (XLSX) button to export into Excel. Once you click the button, a file will be downloaded.

By: Rotcana 230614, Lay Swan 230620, P230626