Design Report

Show Supplier Invoice No. in Purchase Invoice Listing
Question: How to show Supplier Invoice No. in Purchase Invoice Listing report? Answer: You can design the report to include Supplier Invoice No. *...
Tue, 26 Sep, 2023 at 5:18 PM
How to show wording as "F.O.C" for Unit Price or Subtotal if the amount is 0.00
Question: How do I show wording "F.O.C" for Unit Price or Subtotal if the amount is 0.00? Answer: You may set the expression that sh...
Tue, 26 Sep, 2023 at 5:45 PM
How to insert an image (e.g company chop) in Invoice report
Question: How to insert an image into (e.g company chop) in Invoice report? Answer: 1) To design the report, you may click on Print and click on '...
Wed, 31 Jan, 2024 at 11:52 AM
How to insert product image in Invoice report
Question: How to insert product image in Invoice report? Answer: 1) To design the report, you may click on Print and click on 'Design Report' ...
Wed, 31 Jan, 2024 at 2:08 PM
How to insert Ref in Invoice Report
Question: I have key in some info at Invoice’s Document Info - Ref column. How to display Ref field in Invoice Report printout? Answer: 1) ...
Thu, 4 Apr, 2024 at 9:47 AM
How to display Outstanding amount in Invoice Report (using “Payment Amount” field in Invoice)
Questions: My customer has payment upfront, and I have key in at Payment Amount field in Invoice, how do I display the remaining Outstanding in Invoice rep...
Fri, 28 Jun, 2024 at 9:37 AM